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Jonas (The Minnesota Marshalls: Book 2)

Jonas (The Minnesota Marshalls: Book 2)

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Jonas Marshall is done storm-chasing, plagued with the memory of a terrible accident that paralysed a fellow chaser, so the last thing he’s going to do is run into more danger. Now, he’s just a simple weatherman deploying dirigibles in an experiment to track weather patterns in Slovenia.

As far from danger as he can get.

But danger comes knocking in the form of hiker in need of rescue, and he can’t deny that her companionbeautiful Sibba Kovac—is a great distraction from the guilt that haunts him…until she paraglides right out of his life.

Probably for the best.

But danger still won’t leave him alone when a storm knocks his dirigibles out of the sky, and he happens upon one that looks tampered with…

It is. And worse, it’s carrying what could be radioactive waste. At least according to EOD expert Sibba…who finds herself face-to-face with the rescuer she can’t forget. But she’s not looking for him—her grandfather is missing, and she’ll stop at nothing to find him.

When her missing grandfather leads to the threat of a dirty bomb, she’s the only one who can stop it. And Jonas is the only man brave enough to run into danger with her. But she doesn’t have room in her heart to love him—not when she lives with death in her periphery. Can the right man, at the right time help her see beyond her fears to a future?

And if they have a chance to save the world, can Jonas let go of the woman he loves?

The thrilling second book in the epic romantic suspense of the Minnesota Marshalls!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews

"You stay rooted in the middle of a storm - darkness, confusion, chaos - by putting your focus on the One who is stronger than the storm."

There is more action, more romance, and more "international plots and spy novels"-like things happening in this book than the first book of the series (and that's saying a lot!). It's an intense thrill-ride from the opening scene to the very last. And, yes, there will be moments when you'll forget to breathe or your shocked gasps will scare those around you. I don't know how Susan May Warren does it, but every one of her novels is spell-binding and Jonas is a prime example of the author's incredible creativity and writing prowess.

Jonas, the storm chaser turned weatherman, is haunted by past tragedy and circumstances. Though regret and fear cloud his judgment, his protective and justice-seeking Marshall heart makes him a wonderful hero who races into danger to do the right thing. Learning about computerized weather balloons and nuclear warfare was fascinating. I loved getting to know Sibba with her tough, logical bomb-disassembling mind and soft, loyal heart. Jonas' younger brother Ned and his fiancee Shae also have a subplot in this book and I am totally loving the connection between this series and The Montana Rescue series. Cameo appearances from characters in Global Search and Rescue series and from Caleb Group are quite special and fun. I can't wait to see where Ned will take us next.

Jonas is completely and delightfully captivating! I received the book from the author/publisher and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

Charissa Smith

Susan never disappoints! Another awesome read!

Nicole Santana
I Love this Story, and Now I Need Book 3!

Jonas by Susan May Warren is a wild ride! The action is non-stop and there are some serious nail-biting scenes. Yes, again, I stayed up WAY past my bedtime reading this story. Sibba took me a while to like. I have a hard time with unbending, unyielding characters who stay closed off and stubborn for most of a story. That’s Sibba. And while it can be argued that she has good reason to be the way she is, it still doesn’t change the fact that it is hard to relate to a character who chooses not to really share herself. But I did like her. She is one tough cookie, and she is perfect for Jonas. Oh, Jonas. What a cool dude! When I learned that Jonas was a weatherman I envisioned a character like Bill Harding (played by Bill Paxton) from the film Twister. Since that is one of my all-time favorite movies, I was very eager to read Jonas’s story. One of my most favorite aspects to his character is that he constantly says things like, “I’m not brave” or “I’m not a SEAL like my brother, Fraser,” and then he runs head-first into danger. It made me laugh. OK, so maybe he hasn’t had formal military training, but Jonas definitely has the courage and stamina of any trained military figure. He is constantly doing things in this story that would make me shake my head and say to myself, “No, see, I am not brave and I am not like any SEAL. Jonas, you, however, are insane!” It was a lot of fun! And it was quite scary to read. I gasped a couple of times for real because Jonas does crazy things. In addition to the characters, I really appreciate the timely themes discussed in this story. As in Fraser, Warren picks up the topic of trusting God versus trusting self. Jonas believes he puts his trust in God, but does he really? He’s so strong and capable in his own right. But what Jonas comes to understand, and what we should understand, too, is that perhaps instead of running head-first into storms, adventures, a new job, a new house, a new anything, we should take a time out and see if God even wants us to run into these things. As Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, we must “trust in the Lord with all [our hearts], and lean not on [our] own understanding. In all [our] ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight [our] paths.” This is a great reminder for us all today — check in with God first before running into the storms of life!

Jonas is a really fun Romantic Suspense that I highly recommend. If you are a fan of Warren’s high-intensity stories filled with timely themes, then you are going to want to grab a copy of this novel ASAP! Side note though — Jonas can easily be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading Fraser first if you haven’ already done so to get the full effect. Characters and storylines from Fraser do appear in Jonas.

I purchased a copy of this novel in eBook form from the author, Susan May Warren, on March 4, 2023, in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Kelly Ferguson

I had no idea what to expect heading into Jonas from
Fraser. I was a bit apprehensive because I loved Fraser so much and was worried Jonas wouldn’t measure up. Yeah, I was worried for nothing. Jonas and Sibba are such unique and fun characters. The suspense had me flipping pages with ferocity and not a little annoyed when I had to take a pause (real life problems 🤭😏.) So many things I can’t really get into for fear of spoilers, but I loved the storyline with Sibba’s grandfather. I loved getting more of Ned and Shae and the way Susie incorporated so many characters from past series. She truly has created a one of a kind story world, building upon each series and as a reader it is so rewarding and satisfying to see old “friends.” Not only see them, but for them to be part of the bigger picture. It really makes her characters come alive.

I loved Jonas. Ned can’t get here soon enough.

Sarita VN
This was a stormy and explosive story!

Rating 4.5

This was a stormy and explosive story!

God is in the storm. Though the winds blow, and my life feels torn apart, if I can just trust Him, I’ll discover Him at the center.

Sibba was a strong and female lead and I enjoyed how she loved paragliding and anything else adventurous. Her relationship with her grandfather was sweet to see and her backstory heartbreaking.

Jonas was one of those strong males who with navy seal brothers, did not always see his worth and courage, even though he is always the one to run towards a storm.

“Just make sure that you fight the battle God has given you, and not one of your own making.”

I loved all the characters from previous series which made appearances in this book – I am a serial fanatic, so when I can meet up with previous characters I have met and loved, I want to do my happy dance.

If you still need to read the author’s backlist, you will not miss out by reading this story first, but you will meet a lot of interesting characters you would like to go back and read more off.

The author has a talent for bringing spiritual messages through her stories and has again done it masterfully.

I closed with book with one thought: WHEN IS NED COMING!

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.*

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